Earlon mask said "Artificial intelligence is more dangerous than North Korea"

Although he is a famous Eiron mask as Tesla founder, he has warned that he was critical and extremely dangerous for AI for a long time. Although it is such an Earon mask, on the evening of August 11, Mr. Ellon mask tweets concern about AI.

"If you are not concerned about the safety of AI, you should do much more risk than North Korea."

On Friday, AI startup "OpenAI" who invested 1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen) participated in a game competition with a prize money of 240 million dollars, defeated the global player with "Dota 2", and venue the venue After much surprising, Mr. Mask touched this.

Mr. Mask said OpenAI was the first AI who won the worldwide player with advanced e sports. But quickly warned that strong AI like OpenAI, that is, AI learning thousands times of games experienced by humans through self-learning, should eventually be regulated for our own safety.

"There are no people who like regulation, but things that are dangerous to the public, such as cars, airplanes, foods, drugs, etc., are regulated, and AI should do that," he said on Friday. I mentioned in Tweet.
Mr. Mask has previously shown distrust of AI. In 2016 he said that unless AI is regulated, human beings will fall like something like a "domestic cat" of supercomputer becoming increasingly powerful. And to the human brain touched the need to add a digital layer he calls "Neural Race".

"The best solution is to add an AI layer, the third digital layer coexists with the body and will work fine."
Mask said in Vox Media's Code Conderence held in Southern California in 2016.



みなさん、こんにちは。中川(@ naka33321 )です。最近では副業が日本でも徐々にですが定着しつつあるなかで、副業にチャレンジしてみようという人は今では少なくないでしょう。副業は色々なやり方はあるのですが、手頃に始めやすいものはWebライティングでしょう。 デザ...
