How realistic is the Earlon Mask 'Mars migration plan'? Experts tried to verify

How realistic is the Earlon Mask 'Mars migration plan'? Experts tried to verify

I decided to do an Earon mask. "I hope that migration to Mars will be a feasible goal, as long as we are alive, there should be a way to make anyone who wants to reach Mars go to Mars "

The mask does not state a dream story. He is seriously saying. It is true that the scale is too big to realize at all.

The mask declaration will take place in September 2016. He said so in the 67 th International Space Congress held in Guadalajara, Mexico.

1. Migration destination

The first consideration of the mask is why we aim for Mars. "History is about to diverge in two directions," he wrote. "One thing that mankind has always stayed on the earth and will end with our extinction someday I do not know, but I am convinced that"

"The alternative that I expect everyone to agree with is that human beings become multispectral species." The most realistic way to accomplish this is to build self-sufficient immigrants on Mars and the mask will continue.

To this idea of ​​the mask, Furmini commented. "Mars is the only planet in the solar system that human beings are likely to emigrate, the moon is not suitable for this purpose, it does not contain water and gravity is too small." On the other hand, Mars has water. It is not too far, and there is gravity equivalent to one-third of the earth.

Furmini continues. "Italian radars" Marsis "and" Sharad "conducted a X-ray survey of the Arctic of Mars, revealing the presence of water beneath the Earth's surface only covering the entire planet with an 8 m deep sea And there is probably water in other places as well. "

2. Take off and landing technology

Energy will not be a problem on Mars. It is possible to construct small nuclear power plants on this planet and collect solar energy with solar panels.

But Framini says there are more difficult problems. "First of all, there is a problem of returning.Many human beings have not yet tried to take off the spacecraft completely from Mars.And we have to improve the technique of Mars landing The thin atmosphere of Mars makes it difficult to make a safe landing. "

In short, before we send humankind, we must first make an unmanned round-trip mission to Mars completely successful.

3. Communication system

The communication system with the earth is also important. "On Mars, there is a radio delay of about 20 minutes when communicating with the Earth, and when the sun is located between Mars and the Earth, every communication is impossible," says Flamini. "Before dispatching humans, it is crucial to create a reliable communication system"

4. Radiation

There is further radiation problem. "The current challenge is to find a way to defend against radiation that harms the human body.There is no magnetic field that can protect the radiation on Mars, it will be necessary to develop a local barrier to protect the inhabitants."

5. Design of rocket

The mask is examining the details of the trip in the proposal. What fuel to use and how to produce the fuel locally? It's the choice of engines, propulsion rockets and spacecraft. Recycling and scalability are considered here.

"The design proposed by the mask is correct," Fransini explains. "It's a natural development from what SpaceX has already achieved, the proposed propulsion rocket will arrive to Mars in just three months"

6. Time

According to the prospect of the mask, it is said that by 2019 the crew selection and training, the development of propulsion devices and systems will be finished. Spaceships and propulsion rockets should be tested from 2019 to 2023. After that, a real launch may begin. At the beginning there is no crew. And as all goes as planned, the mask will begin thinking to put the crew on a spaceship to Mars.

But sending people to Mars is likely to be in the early 2030's at the earliest. In order to build an immigrant area, we still have to wait a lot of time.



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