Eiron masks are concerned about using robots as weapons

The topic of Earon mask is taken up a lot in this blog. The reason is that I like Earon mask. But I like Steve Jobs somehow better than Earon mask. I think that if you have the opportunity to pick up the topic of Steve Jobs.

Earon mask has long been concerned with AI and robots, and even makes remarks that AI and robot should be regulated. But in reality it is nearly impossible to stop developing AI and robots now. Because natural science is a developmental one.

Although it has become a waste talk with a little talk, it will go into the main subject immediately. The leaders of the AI ​​industry have filed a document requesting the banning of autonomous lethal weapons to the United Nations.

26 AIs and robot experts from 26 countries, named for their signature, claim that "these technologies can lead to a third weapon revolution alongside explosives and nuclear weapons."

I am worried that myself may be a more miserable future than this. I feel that there is the possibility of becoming a world like a terminator like a robot versus a human being.

The experts who participated in the signature claimed that the homicide robot is extremely dangerous by not looking at the humanitarian point of view and that it is a treaty to prohibit the use of specified normal weapons which came into effect in 1983.

This treaty restricts and prohibits weapons with inhumane effects such as landmines, incendiary bombs and chemical weapons.

Experts who signed this time will insist on humanitarian points of view. "

If it really comes to a world like a terminator it is very scary ...



みなさん、こんにちは。中川(@ naka33321 )です。最近では副業が日本でも徐々にですが定着しつつあるなかで、副業にチャレンジしてみようという人は今では少なくないでしょう。副業は色々なやり方はあるのですが、手頃に始めやすいものはWebライティングでしょう。 デザ...
