"White supremacy" Why is not accepted in America?

our of the incident the group has collided to protest white supremacist and in it in the eastern United States Virginia Charlottesville, remarks Trump president has criticized.

Also after this collision, also has come out a move to remove the statue of Civil War southern commander, et al. In various places.

Why is not White's supremacy being accepted in America in America?

After the Virginia case, the term "white supremacy" has attracted attention.

A white supremacist, is the idea of ​​Caucasian what is the most excellent race Briefly.

Known as a group of white supremacists are KKK and Neo Nazi. Kkk is a group that symbolizes the dark spots of American society. It attacks people who are walking to the house or outside, for that lynch.

Neo Nazi is a collective term for the movement to restore Nazism. It is an exoticistic way of thinking such as anti-Semitic thought.

But in America there are few such people.

However, the impression of these people became worse due to various incidents.

It was the "ortholite movement" that became the leading figure of this demonstration of Caucasian supremacy. Although the word "ortho light" itself was fairly comprehensive, it was treated as a subculture of the net, but it became famous for supporting Trump 's in the last presidential election.

This demonstration gathered to oppose the plans to remove the bronze statue of General Robert Lee of the Civil War nominally.

However, it seems that it was aimed at causing the disturbance from the beginning because the armed group movement campaign aspect was strong.

In response to this incident, Mr. Trump was initially attitude of not attaching, but at the press conference on the 15th, the third time, "It is responsible for both white-supremacists and opponents" I rejected it with an affirmative tone.

With this remark that can be taken as advocacy of Caucasian supremacists, the situation has changed at once.

Reason why "Both sides are responsible" is not good
President Trump 's "Both sides are responsible" sounds as if it were "fighting and bad losing" at first glance. However, from the general discourse of the United States that "discriminatory white supremacy is the dark part of the United States" and "KKK should not be tolerated" in the past, both theories are nothing but defense of white supremacists .

Race is the biggest social problem since the foundation for America. It is a problem that can not be solved easily. However, the flow of anti-discrimination, equalityism and pluralism represented by the civil rights movement was a big and thick vector of society in the past over 40 years. Of course, even if legal equality is achieved to some extent, the problem of "color of the skin" is great, "equality of the heart" is far from it. It has also caused opposition to the excessive response of the police against the African system in recent years.

Still, it is also the modern history of America that moved toward equalizing little by little to bring difficulties closer to solution. That spirit symbolizes the tweet of Obama's former president who is talking about making a record with the number of tweet 's "nice" splendidly. Mr Obama's 13th post quoted the former president of Mandela in South Africa and said, "No one hates others by birth, skin coloration, birthplace, religion" "People have to learn to hate If you can learn hatred, you can teach love. " Pictures that you smile with blacks and white children are effective.

To that end I do not know the intention of the playing card, but everyone seemed to be attitude to defend, so I got a considerable bashing.



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